Date: Sun, 27 Mar 94 04:30:40 PST From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #72 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Sun, 27 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 72 Today's Topics: * SpaceNews 28-Mar-94 * Epoch Day Calculation ORBS$084.2L.AMSAT ORBS$084.MICRO.AMSAT ORBS$084.MISC.AMSAT ORBS$084.OSCAR.AMSAT ORBS$084.WEATH.AMSAT Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:05:13 MST From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!! Subject: * SpaceNews 28-Mar-94 * To: SB NEWS @ AMSAT $SPC0328 * SpaceNews 28-Mar-94 * BID: $SPC0328 ========= SpaceNews ========= MONDAY MARCH 28, 1994 SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, New Jersey, USA. It is published every week and is made available for unlimited distribution. * ITAMSAT PROBLEM * =================== Earlier this month, the PSK modulation on the primary ITAMSAT transmitter became more and more difficult to decode. A residual carrier and lower output power seem to indicate a failure in the PSK balanced modulator, being worse at the current low power setting. Increasing the power level makes the demodulation better but is not acceptable due to power budget constraints. Ground controllers decided to switch to the secondary PSK trasmitter on 435.822 MHz. The first two passes over Italy confirmed the correct operation of the spacecraft and WOD are being taken to analyze the performance of the satellite in this new configuration. The BBS is working as usual and status bulletins are uploaded to the satellite. 73 de ITAMSAT (IO-26) Command Team [Info via Alberto E. Zagni, I2KBD] * CLEMENTINE IMAGES AVAILABLE * =============================== Recent images of the Moon that were downlinked by the Clementine spacecraft are available by ftp or email across the Internet. For those with ftp access, simply ftp to [] and look in the directories under pub/clementine/images. For those with email only, send a message to with a blank subject line and text of "help" only. The email server can provide directory listings and uuencoded binary files such as GIF images. [Info via Walt, KE3HP] * OSCAR-13 MODE-S EXTRA BEACON * ================================ In response to requests, the Mode-S session now includes 2 MAs beacon at the start. Mode-B is unaffected. The revised schedule is: M QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Mar 19-Apr 04 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 90 | Mode-BS : MA 90 to MA 120 | Mode-S : MA 120 to MA 122 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 122 to MA 145 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-S : MA 145 to MA 150 |<- S beacon only Mode-BS : MA 150 to MA 180 | Alon/Alat 180/0 Mode-B : MA 180 to MA 256 | Omnis : MA 230 to MA 30 | Move to attitude 235/0, Apr 04 [Info via James Miller G3RUH @ GB7DDX.#22.GBR.EU] * FO-20 SCHEDULE * ================== The FO-20 command station announced that FO-20 will be placed in Mode JA (Analog transponder mode) during Field Day 1994 (25-Jun-94 18:00 UTC through 26-Jun-94 18:00 UTC). The current operating schedule is as follows: Analog mode: 23-Mar-94 07:52 -to- 30-Mar-94 08:15 UTC Digital mode: Unless otherwise noted above. [Info via Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK] * THANKS! * =========== Thanks to BY1QH and K7YHA for the high praise SpaceNews received in articles appearing in the April 1994 issues of 73 and Worldradio magazines! Also thanks to WA1QYM and DL3HRT for their recent messages of appreciation. * MESSAGES de KD2BD * ===================== G8MWF: Please re-send your WXSAT article. I lost the disk I had it saved to. :-( * FEEDBACK/INPUT WELCOMED * =========================== Mail to SpaceNews should be directed to the editor (John, KD2BD) via any of the following paths: FAX : 1-908-747-7107 PACKET : KD2BD @ N2KZH.NJ.USA.NA INTERNET : -or- MAIL : John A. Magliacane, KD2BD Department of Engineering and Technology Advanced Technology Center Brookdale Community College Lincroft, New Jersey 07738 U.S.A. <<=- SpaceNews: The first amateur newsletter read in space! -=>> /EX -- John A. Magliacane, KD2BD * /\/\ * Voice : 1-908-224-2948 Advanced Technology Center |/\/\/\| Packet : KD2BD @ N2KZH.NJ.USA.NA Brookdale Community College |\/\/\/| Internet: Lincroft, NJ 07738 * \/\/ * Morse : -.- -.. ..--- -... -.. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Mar 94 23:19:02 GMT From: Subject: Epoch Day Calculation To: I'm new to satellite tracking, and my tracking program requires an entry for "epoch day." I have only been able to find data for "epoch time," and from the examples included with the program this does not appear to be what the program (PCT3.EXE) requires. How do I calculate Epoch Day or where can I find the information? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 73, Joe WI2E ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 06:59:00 MST From: usc!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ORBS$084.2L.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-084.N 2Line Orbital Elements 084.AMSAT HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR AMATEUR SATELLITES IN NASA FORMAT FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX March 25, 1994 BID: $ORBS-084.N DECODE 2-LINE ELSETS WITH THE FOLLOWING KEY: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 94078.88849305 -.00000143 00000-0 10000-3 0 2710 2 14129 27.1881 336.3846 6021341 163.5017 230.9609 2.05878514 80949 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 94080.50956311 .00000321 00000-0 62308-4 0 6757 2 14781 97.7914 99.3260 0011137 186.0140 174.0935 14.69174575537432 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 94079.84948217 .00000032 00000-0 18660-4 0 8839 2 18129 82.9229 34.1304 0010237 273.8387 86.1598 13.72333391337792 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 94079.56167208 -.00000427 00000-0 10000-4 0 8960 2 19216 57.8735 262.2374 7209738 337.3974 2.4979 2.09727288 44154 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 94080.89109631 -.00000016 00000-0 34911-4 0 6701 2 20480 99.0243 249.2547 0540894 177.1640 183.2749 12.83224747192930 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 94080.39087956 .00000093 00000-0 82657-4 0 4463 2 21087 82.9379 207.6619 0035401 331.2194 28.7007 13.74536127157528 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 94079.90823919 .00000032 00000-0 18216-4 0 6733 2 21089 82.9180 76.9195 0029938 357.6064 2.4956 13.74037183156521 ARSENE 1 22654U 93031B 94064.50000000 -.00000119 00000-0 00000 0 0 2469 2 22654 1.6510 105.2680 2927552 173.8780 198.1380 1.42201225 2991 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 94081.17271111 .00000085 00000-0 50080-4 0 9757 2 20437 98.5928 167.1239 0011938 85.5805 274.6738 14.29832075217155 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 94080.46187457 .00000059 00000-0 39719-4 0 7754 2 20439 98.5999 167.5628 0012341 89.1267 271.1308 14.29886627217069 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 94080.42475274 .00000076 00000-0 46272-4 0 7749 2 20440 98.5973 167.8190 0012406 88.5722 271.6879 14.30025717217077 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 94081.23816758 .00000086 00000-0 50302-4 0 7768 2 20441 98.6015 168.6325 0013015 86.3234 273.9433 14.30001255217191 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 94080.24263321 .00000078 00000-0 46967-4 0 7742 2 20442 98.6015 167.8834 0013223 87.9281 272.3415 14.30095566217065 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 94079.70081566 .00000111 00000-0 52198-4 0 4769 2 21575 98.4399 155.9592 0007223 188.8493 171.2552 14.36900838140375 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 94080.53661719 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 3714 2 22077 66.0814 103.5014 0011679 308.7258 51.2714 12.86285587 75516 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 94081.11877430 .00000025 00000-0 28178-4 0 2722 2 22825 98.6600 157.7790 0009554 101.5696 258.6548 14.27613987 25268 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 94081.10608673 .00000042 00000-0 34690-4 0 2728 2 22826 98.6605 157.7921 0009917 100.6730 259.5579 14.27717009 25266 KO-25 1 22830U 93061H 94080.22548462 .00000089 00000-0 53029-4 0 2755 2 22830 98.5601 155.1027 0012635 74.3234 285.9328 14.28041738 25144 NOAA-9 1 15427U 84123A 94081.96146229 .00000121 00000-0 88127-4 0 7596 2 15427 99.0648 131.4010 0015937 101.6666 258.6297 14.13600524478169 NOAA-10 1 16969U 86073A 94082.90887763 .00000064 00000-0 45657-4 0 6589 2 16969 98.5123 94.5094 0012333 216.3165 143.7179 14.24874536390466 MET-2/17 1 18820U 88005A 94080.22884509 .00000094 00000-0 70460-4 0 2738 2 18820 82.5454 338.5623 0018465 67.8592 292.4524 13.84711844310182 MET-3/2 1 19336U 88064A 94081.32685617 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 2700 2 19336 82.5427 25.1440 0017958 116.8969 243.3993 13.16965967271824 NOAA-11 1 19531U 88089A 94083.23885812 .00000062 00000-0 58133-4 0 5722 2 19531 99.1670 70.0925 0012545 15.7107 344.4450 14.12969487283226 MET-2/18 1 19851U 89018A 94080.40680956 .00000034 00000-0 17134-4 0 2720 2 19851 82.5191 213.8899 0015509 110.5826 249.6996 13.84358994255545 MET-3/3 1 20305U 89086A 94082.55451529 .00000044 00000-0 10000-3 0 61 2 20305 82.5548 329.1930 0006520 134.5372 225.6269 13.04425118211734 MET-2/19 1 20670U 90057A 94080.04388230 .00000024 00000-0 79036-5 0 7742 2 20670 82.5426 278.4813 0017557 35.8879 324.3453 13.84190186188420 FY-1/2 1 20788U 90081A 94082.50755940 -.00000152 00000-0 -72818-4 0 9249 2 20788 98.8351 105.3769 0013462 244.9487 115.0282 14.01311177181708 MET-2/20 1 20826U 90086A 94081.16757303 .00000046 00000-0 28563-4 0 7834 2 20826 82.5237 215.2023 0012267 296.1467 63.8429 13.83574940175723 MET-3/4 1 21232U 91030A 94080.99666993 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 6819 2 21232 82.5384 231.2188 0014561 45.1711 315.0592 13.16460562139881 NOAA-12 1 21263U 91032A 94074.00396538 .00000180 00000-0 10013-3 0 9646 2 21263 98.6278 103.8182 0013418 145.8585 214.3456 14.22379795147143 MET-3/5 1 21655U 91056A 94080.22430161 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 6885 2 21655 82.5573 178.8593 0014769 59.6601 300.6003 13.16828445124883 MET-2/21 1 22782U 93055A 94080.53840969 .00000026 00000-0 10250-4 0 2834 2 22782 82.5471 275.8954 0023357 108.2430 252.1263 13.83002864 27979 POSAT 1 22829U 93061G 94081.13993678 .00000098 00000-0 57325-4 0 2659 2 22829 98.6563 157.8404 0011057 89.9512 270.2938 14.28013136 25275 MIR 1 16609U 86017A 94083.32520032 .00009346 00000-0 12671-3 0 5375 2 16609 51.6456 251.6581 0015343 67.8161 292.4504 15.58331750462819 HUBBLE 1 20580U 90037B 94080.23738730 .00000835 00000-0 68306-4 0 4592 2 20580 28.4697 80.9010 0005913 249.5279 110.4672 14.90534070 16255 GRO 1 21225U 91027B 94079.53676843 .00004336 00000-0 97694-4 0 752 2 21225 28.4636 127.3366 0003390 287.6252 72.3973 15.40420925 43255 UARS 1 21701U 91063B 94082.87298435 -.00003323 00000-0 -26935-3 0 4962 2 21701 56.9828 140.9350 0004265 92.4899 267.6620 14.96488088138165 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 06:51:00 MST From: usc!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ORBS$084.MICRO.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-084.D Orbital Elements 084.MICROS HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR THE MICROSATS FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX March 25, 1994 BID: $ORBS-084.D TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: UO-14 Catalog number: 20437 Epoch time: 94081.17271111 Element set: 975 Inclination: 98.5928 deg RA of node: 167.1239 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011938 Arg of perigee: 85.5805 deg Mean anomaly: 274.6738 deg Mean motion: 14.29832075 rev/day Decay rate: 8.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21715 Checksum: 326 Satellite: AO-16 Catalog number: 20439 Epoch time: 94080.46187457 Element set: 775 Inclination: 98.5999 deg RA of node: 167.5628 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012341 Arg of perigee: 89.1267 deg Mean anomaly: 271.1308 deg Mean motion: 14.29886627 rev/day Decay rate: 5.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21706 Checksum: 351 Satellite: DO-17 Catalog number: 20440 Epoch time: 94080.42475274 Element set: 774 Inclination: 98.5973 deg RA of node: 167.8190 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012406 Arg of perigee: 88.5722 deg Mean anomaly: 271.6879 deg Mean motion: 14.30025717 rev/day Decay rate: 7.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21707 Checksum: 321 Satellite: WO-18 Catalog number: 20441 Epoch time: 94081.23816758 Element set: 776 Inclination: 98.6015 deg RA of node: 168.6325 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013015 Arg of perigee: 86.3234 deg Mean anomaly: 273.9433 deg Mean motion: 14.30001255 rev/day Decay rate: 8.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21719 Checksum: 295 Satellite: LO-19 Catalog number: 20442 Epoch time: 94080.24263321 Element set: 774 Inclination: 98.6015 deg RA of node: 167.8834 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013223 Arg of perigee: 87.9281 deg Mean anomaly: 272.3415 deg Mean motion: 14.30095566 rev/day Decay rate: 7.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21706 Checksum: 301 Satellite: UO-22 Catalog number: 21575 Epoch time: 94079.70081566 Element set: 476 Inclination: 98.4399 deg RA of node: 155.9592 deg Eccentricity: 0.0007223 Arg of perigee: 188.8493 deg Mean anomaly: 171.2552 deg Mean motion: 14.36900838 rev/day Decay rate: 1.11e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14037 Checksum: 329 Satellite: KO-23 Catalog number: 22077 Epoch time: 94080.53661719 Element set: 371 Inclination: 66.0814 deg RA of node: 103.5014 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011679 Arg of perigee: 308.7258 deg Mean anomaly: 51.2714 deg Mean motion: 12.86285587 rev/day Decay rate: -3.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 7551 Checksum: 301 Satellite: AO-27 Catalog number: 22825 Epoch time: 94081.11877430 Element set: 272 Inclination: 98.6600 deg RA of node: 157.7790 deg Eccentricity: 0.0009554 Arg of perigee: 101.5696 deg Mean anomaly: 258.6548 deg Mean motion: 14.27613987 rev/day Decay rate: 2.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2526 Checksum: 327 Satellite: IO-26 Catalog number: 22826 Epoch time: 94081.10608673 Element set: 272 Inclination: 98.6605 deg RA of node: 157.7921 deg Eccentricity: 0.0009917 Arg of perigee: 100.6730 deg Mean anomaly: 259.5579 deg Mean motion: 14.27717009 rev/day Decay rate: 4.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2526 Checksum: 313 Satellite: KO-25 Catalog number: 22830 Epoch time: 94080.22548462 Element set: 275 Inclination: 98.5601 deg RA of node: 155.1027 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012635 Arg of perigee: 74.3234 deg Mean anomaly: 285.9328 deg Mean motion: 14.28041738 rev/day Decay rate: 8.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2514 Checksum: 295 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 06:57:00 MST From: agate!!!!!utcsri!!!! Subject: ORBS$084.MISC.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-084.M Orbital Elements 084.MISC HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR MANNED AND MISCELLANEOUS SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX March 25, 1994 BID: $ORBS-084.M TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: POSAT Catalog number: 22829 Epoch time: 94081.13993678 Element set: 265 Inclination: 98.6563 deg RA of node: 157.8404 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011057 Arg of perigee: 89.9512 deg Mean anomaly: 270.2938 deg Mean motion: 14.28013136 rev/day Decay rate: 9.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2527 Checksum: 321 Satellite: MIR Catalog number: 16609 Epoch time: 94083.32520032 Element set: 537 Inclination: 51.6456 deg RA of node: 251.6581 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015343 Arg of perigee: 67.8161 deg Mean anomaly: 292.4504 deg Mean motion: 15.58331750 rev/day Decay rate: 9.346e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 46281 Checksum: 293 Satellite: HUBBLE Catalog number: 20580 Epoch time: 94080.23738730 Element set: 459 Inclination: 28.4697 deg RA of node: 80.9010 deg Eccentricity: 0.0005913 Arg of perigee: 249.5279 deg Mean anomaly: 110.4672 deg Mean motion: 14.90534070 rev/day Decay rate: 8.35e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 1625 Checksum: 290 Satellite: GRO Catalog number: 21225 Epoch time: 94079.53676843 Element set: 75 Inclination: 28.4636 deg RA of node: 127.3366 deg Eccentricity: 0.0003390 Arg of perigee: 287.6252 deg Mean anomaly: 72.3973 deg Mean motion: 15.40420925 rev/day Decay rate: 4.336e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 4325 Checksum: 300 Satellite: UARS Catalog number: 21701 Epoch time: 94082.87298435 Element set: 496 Inclination: 56.9828 deg RA of node: 140.9350 deg Eccentricity: 0.0004265 Arg of perigee: 92.4899 deg Mean anomaly: 267.6620 deg Mean motion: 14.96488088 rev/day Decay rate: -3.323e-05 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 13816 Checksum: 341 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 06:48:00 MST From: usc!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ORBS$084.OSCAR.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-084.O Orbital Elements 084.OSCAR HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR OSCAR SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX March 25, 1994 BID: $ORBS-084.O TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: AO-10 Catalog number: 14129 Epoch time: 94078.88849305 Element set: 271 Inclination: 27.1881 deg RA of node: 336.3846 deg Eccentricity: 0.6021341 Arg of perigee: 163.5017 deg Mean anomaly: 230.9609 deg Mean motion: 2.05878514 rev/day Decay rate: -1.43e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 8094 Checksum: 310 Satellite: UO-11 Catalog number: 14781 Epoch time: 94080.50956311 Element set: 675 Inclination: 97.7914 deg RA of node: 99.3260 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011137 Arg of perigee: 186.0140 deg Mean anomaly: 174.0935 deg Mean motion: 14.69174575 rev/day Decay rate: 3.21e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 53743 Checksum: 307 Satellite: RS-10/11 Catalog number: 18129 Epoch time: 94079.84948217 Element set: 883 Inclination: 82.9229 deg RA of node: 34.1304 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010237 Arg of perigee: 273.8387 deg Mean anomaly: 86.1598 deg Mean motion: 13.72333391 rev/day Decay rate: 3.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 33779 Checksum: 330 Satellite: AO-13 Catalog number: 19216 Epoch time: 94079.56167208 Element set: 896 Inclination: 57.8735 deg RA of node: 262.2374 deg Eccentricity: 0.7209738 Arg of perigee: 337.3974 deg Mean anomaly: 2.4979 deg Mean motion: 2.09727288 rev/day Decay rate: -4.27e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 4415 Checksum: 357 Satellite: FO-20 Catalog number: 20480 Epoch time: 94080.89109631 Element set: 670 Inclination: 99.0243 deg RA of node: 249.2547 deg Eccentricity: 0.0540894 Arg of perigee: 177.1640 deg Mean anomaly: 183.2749 deg Mean motion: 12.83224747 rev/day Decay rate: -1.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 19293 Checksum: 320 Satellite: AO-21 Catalog number: 21087 Epoch time: 94080.39087956 Element set: 446 Inclination: 82.9379 deg RA of node: 207.6619 deg Eccentricity: 0.0035401 Arg of perigee: 331.2194 deg Mean anomaly: 28.7007 deg Mean motion: 13.74536127 rev/day Decay rate: 9.3e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 15752 Checksum: 314 Satellite: RS-12/13 Catalog number: 21089 Epoch time: 94079.90823919 Element set: 673 Inclination: 82.9180 deg RA of node: 76.9195 deg Eccentricity: 0.0029938 Arg of perigee: 357.6064 deg Mean anomaly: 2.4956 deg Mean motion: 13.74037183 rev/day Decay rate: 3.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 15652 Checksum: 338 Satellite: ARSENE Catalog number: 22654 Epoch time: 94064.50000000 Element set: 246 Inclination: 1.6510 deg RA of node: 105.2680 deg Eccentricity: 0.2927552 Arg of perigee: 173.8780 deg Mean anomaly: 198.1380 deg Mean motion: 1.42201225 rev/day Decay rate: -1.19e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 299 Checksum: 250 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 06:54:00 MST From: usc!!!!utcsri!!!!! Subject: ORBS$084.WEATH.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-084.W Orbital Elements 084.WEATHER HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR WEATHER SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX March 25, 1994 BID: $ORBS-084.W TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: NOAA-9 Catalog number: 15427 Epoch time: 94081.96146229 Element set: 759 Inclination: 99.0648 deg RA of node: 131.4010 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015937 Arg of perigee: 101.6666 deg Mean anomaly: 258.6297 deg Mean motion: 14.13600524 rev/day Decay rate: 1.21e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 47816 Checksum: 312 Satellite: NOAA-10 Catalog number: 16969 Epoch time: 94082.90887763 Element set: 658 Inclination: 98.5123 deg RA of node: 94.5094 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012333 Arg of perigee: 216.3165 deg Mean anomaly: 143.7179 deg Mean motion: 14.24874536 rev/day Decay rate: 6.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 39046 Checksum: 336 Satellite: MET-2/17 Catalog number: 18820 Epoch time: 94080.22884509 Element set: 273 Inclination: 82.5454 deg RA of node: 338.5623 deg Eccentricity: 0.0018465 Arg of perigee: 67.8592 deg Mean anomaly: 292.4524 deg Mean motion: 13.84711844 rev/day Decay rate: 9.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 31018 Checksum: 325 Satellite: MET-3/2 Catalog number: 19336 Epoch time: 94081.32685617 Element set: 270 Inclination: 82.5427 deg RA of node: 25.1440 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017958 Arg of perigee: 116.8969 deg Mean anomaly: 243.3993 deg Mean motion: 13.16965967 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 27182 Checksum: 333 Satellite: NOAA-11 Catalog number: 19531 Epoch time: 94083.23885812 Element set: 572 Inclination: 99.1670 deg RA of node: 70.0925 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012545 Arg of perigee: 15.7107 deg Mean anomaly: 344.4450 deg Mean motion: 14.12969487 rev/day Decay rate: 6.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28322 Checksum: 300 Satellite: MET-2/18 Catalog number: 19851 Epoch time: 94080.40680956 Element set: 272 Inclination: 82.5191 deg RA of node: 213.8899 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015509 Arg of perigee: 110.5826 deg Mean anomaly: 249.6996 deg Mean motion: 13.84358994 rev/day Decay rate: 3.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 25554 Checksum: 352 Satellite: MET-3/3 Catalog number: 20305 Epoch time: 94082.55451529 Element set: 6 Inclination: 82.5548 deg RA of node: 329.1930 deg Eccentricity: 0.0006520 Arg of perigee: 134.5372 deg Mean anomaly: 225.6269 deg Mean motion: 13.04425118 rev/day Decay rate: 4.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21173 Checksum: 272 Satellite: MET-2/19 Catalog number: 20670 Epoch time: 94080.04388230 Element set: 774 Inclination: 82.5426 deg RA of node: 278.4813 deg Eccentricity: 0.0017557 Arg of perigee: 35.8879 deg Mean anomaly: 324.3453 deg Mean motion: 13.84190186 rev/day Decay rate: 2.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18842 Checksum: 324 Satellite: FY-1/2 Catalog number: 20788 Epoch time: 94082.50755940 Element set: 924 Inclination: 98.8351 deg RA of node: 105.3769 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013462 Arg of perigee: 244.9487 deg Mean anomaly: 115.0282 deg Mean motion: 14.01311177 rev/day Decay rate: -1.52e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18170 Checksum: 301 Satellite: MET-2/20 Catalog number: 20826 Epoch time: 94081.16757303 Element set: 783 Inclination: 82.5237 deg RA of node: 215.2023 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012267 Arg of perigee: 296.1467 deg Mean anomaly: 63.8429 deg Mean motion: 13.83574940 rev/day Decay rate: 4.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 17572 Checksum: 308 Satellite: MET-3/4 Catalog number: 21232 Epoch time: 94080.99666993 Element set: 681 Inclination: 82.5384 deg RA of node: 231.2188 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014561 Arg of perigee: 45.1711 deg Mean anomaly: 315.0592 deg Mean motion: 13.16460562 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 13988 Checksum: 306 Satellite: NOAA-12 Catalog number: 21263 Epoch time: 94074.00396538 Element set: 964 Inclination: 98.6278 deg RA of node: 103.8182 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013418 Arg of perigee: 145.8585 deg Mean anomaly: 214.3456 deg Mean motion: 14.22379795 rev/day Decay rate: 1.80e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14714 Checksum: 320 Satellite: MET-3/5 Catalog number: 21655 Epoch time: 94080.22430161 Element set: 688 Inclination: 82.5573 deg RA of node: 178.8593 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014769 Arg of perigee: 59.6601 deg Mean anomaly: 300.6003 deg Mean motion: 13.16828445 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 12488 Checksum: 308 Satellite: MET-2/21 Catalog number: 22782 Epoch time: 94080.53840969 Element set: 283 Inclination: 82.5471 deg RA of node: 275.8954 deg Eccentricity: 0.0023357 Arg of perigee: 108.2430 deg Mean anomaly: 252.1263 deg Mean motion: 13.83002864 rev/day Decay rate: 2.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2797 Checksum: 309 /EX ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #72 ******************************